Adding Probiotic to Lignans Enhances Bioavailability

If you are giving Flaxseed Lignans to your dog with Cushings disease, you may also want to consider giving your dog a probiotic at the same time. Flaxseed lignans involve a two-step digestive process and the SDG lignans found in flaxseed must be broken down in the digestive system before they can be absorbed. The probiotic will help with this breakdown and can increase the absorption rate of the flaxseed lignans.
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Yogurt is a great probiotic if it has live active cultures. Activia is one brand of yogurt with live active cultures and dogs love the taste. In addition to increasing the benefits of the flaxseed lignans, the yogurt can make it easier to give the lignans to your dog. You may open a flaxseed lignan capsule and mix the lignan in with the yogurt. Large amounts of yogurt are not necessary; one tablespoon is usually sufficient to mix with the flaxseed lignans. Note: HMR lignans do not require a probiotic; HMR lignans can be absorbed into the body in a one-step digestive process. Lignans can take up to 4 months before improving symptoms in dogs with Cushings disease, but on average, most dogs (about 85%) respond in two months and have at least one symptom improve during that time.